Hey! I'm Chianté.

Founder and Financial Coach behind Dollars and Change. I’m so glad you found me!  There are so many different financial resources available, and I really appreciate you taking the time to learn more about Dollars and Change.  You can read my story below and please browse around.  Let me know how I can be of service to you!

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Dollars and Change Founder and Financial Coach Chiante Jones, Money Coach, Personal Finance, Financial Social Work

Here’s how this all got started...

The Awakening

I was fortunate to get a great job in the financial industry right out of college.  Good pay and benefits, flexible work schedules.  The kind of job where you could stay your whole career and retire.  I was progressing well, moving up the ladder, successful by most people’s standards. While I was grateful and happy about what I had accomplished, I still felt like something was missing.  I didn’t dislike my job, but there wasn’t passion for what I was doing.

I put this to the back of my mind and things continued to be comfortable, stable, and steady.  Then after almost 12 years in, things changed.  It was performance evaluation time and I was feeling great!  I’d had an awesome year and was expecting a nice pay raise to go with it.  Unfortunately…it didn’t turn out that way.  I was pretty upset at the time, but I now realize it was a blessing in disguise.  This was the turning point when I knew for sure there was something more for me.  I didn’t know what I wanted to do but something inside had been awakened!


About a year later, I was at lunch with a friend and he told me about financial coaching.  It immediately resonated with me and I got more and more excited as he explained it!  Although I have degrees in finance and business, I was never interested in being a financial advisor, planner, or investment banker.  But, I’ve always been good at personal finance. Now, I can’t say I've done everything perfect. I’ve had to learn some things the hard way just like the next person. But, I’ve always been able to live within my means, balance my accounts, pay bills on time, pay debt off early, use credit cards responsibly, and save regularly.  These healthy money habits have allowed me to experience the freedom and flexibility that comes with being consumer debt free and becoming a millionaire in my thirties.

Even at an early age, these things had come natural for me so I never thought much about it.  But, over the years I became aware that managing money isn’t as easy for everyone and can often be a major stressor in their lives.  I also realized the far-reaching impacts on a person’s life when they are facing money problems. I thought about how amazing it would be to help empower people, particularly women, to take control of their finances and give them the encouragement, hope, and accountability they need to live a richer life, in more ways than one!

The Calling

As I thought about it more, I realized this was much bigger than me.  I began to feel called to do this.  I could use this second-nature skill, this gift, to help women overcome the guilt, shame, inadequacy, and hopelessness that had been holding them back.  I knew there were women out there who needed help, and I thought maybe, just maybe, I’m the one person who they need to connect with for them to break free

I founded Dollars and Change and became a certified coach to empower women like you to confidently manage your money so you can have the financial security and freedom to live the life you want. Whatever you’re going through, know that you are not alone and change is possible.  Whether with me or in another way, I encourage you to take action today to gain control of your finances.  You owe it to yourself to live the life you deserve!